Do you remember the day 29th April,2020. An hazardous asteroid named 1998 OR2 completed it's closest countdown with our planet, and Luckily it didn't collide with the earth. If it made collision that time, maybe I'll not able to write this blog for you, and you will not there where you are right now. Meanwhile there was a chance of extinction of Civilization.So we are safe from this asteroid right now. Yes but not safe from other near earth asteroids. Scientists estimated that, there is 25000 near earth asteroids orbiting in the solar system. So there's a lot of chances of Asteroid threats. Is there anything to protect our planet from asteroid's Collisions? No :( But Surprisingly, NASA is working with a project named DART ( Dual Asteroid Redirection Test). It's a planetary defense-driven test of super technologies for preventing hazardous impacts due to asteroids collisions. DART's spacecraft is a space probe that will crash or collide with an asteroid moo...